
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Precision Shooting Program

rfleshoot Do your Shot Groups look like A, B, C or D? PSP Can help You Achieve Rifle Shot Groups like Groups G and Better! If you own a rifle, you should be able to hit what you aim at! More so, you should hit exactly where you aim every time you squeeze the trigger. Accuracy or the ability to hit your target at any range and under any condition is dependent upon many variables. Number 1, before you can have rifle accuracy, you must first have Rifle Precision! Rifle Precision is the ability to consistently shoot the same way providing tight shot groups every time. Tighter rifle shot groups will allow more accurate adjustments to your rifle sights as you zero in your rifle at any range. I want to reinforce the fundamental of consistency which are the Fundamentals of Marksmanship! Click Here! 10% off

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