
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Precision Shooting Program

rfleshoot Do your Shot Groups look like A, B, C or D? PSP Can help You Achieve Rifle Shot Groups like Groups G and Better! If you own a rifle, you should be able to hit what you aim at! More so, you should hit exactly where you aim every time you squeeze the trigger. Accuracy or the ability to hit your target at any range and under any condition is dependent upon many variables. Number 1, before you can have rifle accuracy, you must first have Rifle Precision! Rifle Precision is the ability to consistently shoot the same way providing tight shot groups every time. Tighter rifle shot groups will allow more accurate adjustments to your rifle sights as you zero in your rifle at any range. I want to reinforce the fundamental of consistency which are the Fundamentals of Marksmanship! Click Here! 10% off

Monday, June 10, 2013

secondamen Written by Any discussion of Rights should begin with an understanding of the following: Rights do not come from government. Only privileges come from government. Privileges that be granted by government can also be taken away by government. Rights do not come from the Constitution either. The Constitution only protects Rights the people had long before the Constitution was written. All Rights come from God. Therefore, God is the only one who can take those rights away. The only legitimate way a person can lose their Rights is by voluntarily giving them up through actions that violate another persons Rights. Governments or individuals who violate God-given Rights must believe themselves superior to God or they must believe that God does not exist. The Constitution identifies many Rights, e.g., speech, press, religion, etc., all of which fit into one of three categories - Life, Liberty, or Property. The possession of these basic Rights are all necessary for the Pursuit of Happiness. Violation of any one of the three by government is tyranny. Several of the Founders suggested the following slogan for our Great Seal, "Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to GOD". We are to protect and defend our Rights with whatever means it takes. Our right to bear arms is the main right that protects and defends all of the other Rights. If we were to lose the Right To Bear Arms, all other rights could possibly be lost as well! We should never allow ourselves to get drawn into a frivolous discussion over what type of gun is suitable for hunting, sport shooting, etc., because those issues have nothing what-so-ever to do with the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Peace Through Strength is always the best policy for the military and for individuals.The right to keep and bear arms not only predates the writing of the Second Amendment, it also predates the discovery of firearms, because the right to defend one's right to Life, Liberty, and Property came with the Creation of Man. Here are a few quotes from Our founding fathers and some great leaders of our country: "The Constitution shall never be prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." Alexander Hamilton "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable...The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference--they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." George Washington. "Arms in the hands of citizens [may] be used at individual private self-defense..." John Adams. "No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson. "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..." James Madison "To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them..." Richard Henry Lee. Free Shipping Medical Alert

We Have A Right To Bear Arms

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Living Ready Basic Survival Kit

urbansurv You’ll Love This Survival Kit If:
  • You want a basic survival kit at a value price
  • You want a starter kit to cover the essentials for a small bug-out bag or vehicle
  • You're concerned about personal preparedness and want to get ready
The Living Ready Basic Survival Kit contains the information and tools you need to get by - whether it be to stock up on your family's survival tools, or to organize your emergency bug-out bag. Since your know-how while under stress is the key to survival, this kit includes in-depth information on readiness from the pages of the latest issue of Living Ready magazine, and three essential survival reference books - SAS Survival Handbook, Stay Alive! and Build the Perfect Survival Kit. It also features the high-quality Colt Survival Bracelet, CRKT Ignitor Knife, eGear Jolt Mini LED Flashlight, Explorer Compass and Adventurer Pocket Survival Tin Kit. All combined this kit is worth over $200! The Living Ready Basic Survival Kit

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Gerber Applegate-fairbairn Black Covert

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Designed by the Legendary Colonel Rex Applegate the Gerber Applegate Fairbairn knife embodies his vision of a folding combat knife. Gerber's Applegate-Fairbairn knife is distinguished by it's one-handed opening and it's liner lock which makes this knife suitable for many situations. The Covert is a 3/4 version of the larger Applegate Fairbairn Combat Folder Knife. Designed for inconspicuous carry and covert operations, the Covert has a reversible stainless steel pocket clip which allows for use in a variety of positions. It has an opening stud on both sides of the knife and is readily adaptable for left-handed use. The black titanium coated blade is made from ATS-34 stainless steel and coated with black titanium nitride (nice huh?). The Applegate Fairbairn Covert also is the first knife to incorporate the Interlock, a Gerber exclusive feature. The Interlock is a safety feature that firmly locks the liner in place preventing accidental unlocking of the blade. The extra research and effort put into the Interlock technology allows you to use the knife with as much force as possible and not worry about sacrificing any safety features. After all, a folding knife is as strong as it's weakest point. Normally on a folding knife the hinges are what make them less sturdy then a fixed knife. While this might be the case in general it is minimized with this knife and this allows you to have a folding knife that acts like a fixed knife. Oh my! Three cheers for Gerber Knives. Hip hip, Hooray! Hip hip, Hooray! Hip hip, Hooray! The Applegate-Fairbairn Covert stands with the Applegate-Fairbairn Combat as one of the lasting symbols of Colonel Rex Applegate dedication, expertise, and sense of purpose to Gerber and Gerber Knives. It should come as no surprise that Applegate Covert knife is known internationally as best-of-class among folding tactical knives. It has deservingly earned a reputation for unmatched strength, durability and balance which are all trademarks of Gerber Knives. Tactical professionals have high fancy for the high carbon stainless steel blade. As well as the glass-filled nylon handles, and the patented Roto-Lock. Opening the blade is smooth and can be accomplished in the closed position with a good flick of the wrist. The ambidextrous thumb studs, which are stepped and work well even with a sweaty thumb, and the hump for the thumb stud can even be used like the Emerson wave feature. The liner lock solidly engages the blade with good depth so you won't end up with an inadvertent release of the lock. The knife is balanced the rear of the finger and thumb grooves. It's easily maneuvered and feels good in your hand. The finger ridges make one handed closing and precision work safe even with a sharpened second edge. Features * Uncommon strength and balance * 154CM blade with titanium nitride coating * Patented Roto-Lock Specifications * Overall Length: 8.7" * Blade Length: 3.78" * Closed Length: 4.9" * Weight: 4.2 oz. * Lock Mechanism: Liner Lock, Roto-Lock * Blade Style: Spear * Blade Material: 154CM * Blade Type: Double bevel * Handle Material Glass-filled nylon * Opening Style: One-handed opening Conclusion The Applegate Fairbairn Combat Folder Knife is a decent knife with plenty of cutting edge even with the serrations. It has deservingly earned a reputation for unmatched strength, durability and balance which are all trademarks of Gerber Knives. If you are looking for top deals on fixed blade knives or folding knives then consider Gerber Knives. Gerber Knives have a rich traditions of over 70 years and their product will last you a lifetime. Gerber Knives Outlet stands out as the best shop online to find Gerber Knives with the lowest price tag. Free Shipping