
Friday, July 13, 2012

Uses For Tactical Folding Knives


Uses For Tactical Folding Knives

By: Lazaro Cardenas   You are literally limited by your imagination when it comes to carrying your folding knives these days.Being able to open your tactical folder with one hand has made a big difference also. In the old days you needed both hands, one to hold the knife and the other to pull the blade out. Now one handed opening is the norm making it so much simpler and faster. The innovation of the thumb studs or hole in the blade has been a big success.If you find yourself in a position where you have only one hand available to open your knife, you are in luck. In the old days you could forget about it, you would never get it open or you could use your teeth to pull the blade out. Folding knife or fixed blade? These are generally the two types of knives. Many knives have taken on the name of the person or company that created them. For example, a "Bowie Knife" has been around for many, many years and is well known by its name and general characteristics. Jim Bowie of Alamo fame is credited with the creation of this knife, although some historians believe it may have actually been designed by his brother, Rezin. Knife makers give these knives various names, but they amount to little more than semantics. However, knives that have a particular name, such as the "Bowie" knife are also recognized by what they are used for. An example would be a hunting knife, fishing knife, or tactical knife.Folding KnifeFolding knives are often kept in pockets, and are often referred to as such. They are available in many different styles, and often include multiple blades for various uses. They make great tactical knives. A blade for everything. They are usually legal to carry as long as the blade is fairly small. Around two inches in most places. They are safer and more convenient than the fixed blades. Folding knives have a pivot point and typically have a lock mechanism, which allows the blade to close into the handle only when unlocked.Folding knives are naturally, by design, not as strong as fixed blade knives. They are a common general purpose tool and are used extensively for camping and hunting. They tend to be more compact and lighter, allowing them to be easily carried and concealed. The "Switchblade knife" is a spring-action knife, snap-blade knife, or any other knife having the appearance of a pocketknife. They typically have a blade two or more inches long that can be released automatically by a flick of a button, pressure on the handle, or other mechanical action or device. So, a pocket knife without any type of "automatic release" would not be considered a "switchblade knife".The Butterfly Knife, also known as a gravity knife or balisong is typically illegal. They are designed to be deployed rapidly with a flipping action of the wrist, producing a slashing action. They are a folding knife that has two handles that rotate around its tang. They are opened by centrifugal force. Both the switchblade and the butterfly knife have an evil or threatening reputation because of their slashing action.Fixed BladeHunting knives were the very first knives, and are the most popular of the fixed blade type. They have probably the most recognizable shapes in the cutlery industry. Author Resource:-> Bubba Knives makes some of the very best custom made knives available. Visit Bubba Knives for a complete selection of hunting, folding ang fishing knives today. Knife Makers - NCKnife and Dempsey Knives, Knife Makers - NCKnife and Dempsey Knives

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